
Friday, August 17, 2007

Week in Review

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. We haven't had a lot of news here.

Chloe and I went to a wet market today. A wet market is just like you see in the movies with really narrow streets, lots of people and tables upon tables of fruits, vegetables, fresh meat and fish in tubs. It stunk really bad but was a neat experience. Up until today, everywhere we have been the people have spoken a bit of English. This wet market was definitely not a place where they are used to foreigners. It was great!

Last weekend, we drove up to the tallest point in the country. It was cold, foggy and rainy. It was great!

We have seen lots of funny things that we wish we had our camera to show you. We saw a songthaew* full of monks, four girls on one motor scooter and a Thai Elvis impersonater. It was great!

That about wraps up the week.

*Songthaew (song-touw): Thai version of a city bus. A small red pick-up truck with a tall camper shell, no tailgate and an opening at the rear. There are two benches stretching across the bed of the truck for people to sit. They don't have a specific route, you just ask the driver where he is going and if he's going your direction you get in- if not, you wait for another one to come by until you find one that will take you in the general direction you need to go. They're not so great.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are starting to get more acquainted with the people and the culture around you. I bet the Elvis impersonaitor is hilarious!! That city bus thing, do they charge people to ride? That's just crazy, but really unique and interesting too.


Anonymous said...

You don't say much about Chloe's reaction to all of this. I bet those big brown eyes are really taking it all it. Does she ever act scared or is she so used to all of these 'different' experiences that it's just "All in a day's adventure of the Weathers family"? She doesn't appear afraid of the elephants. Brave kid!
Four girls on one motor scooter? Either they were really small or the scooter was really large!
Mom Weathers