
Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year

It's cold.  Too cold. And Wet.

Last Sunday marked the beginning of Chinese New Year and since that day it has not stopped raining.  Each day has been colder than the day before and tomorrow does not appear to be any better.

Chinese New Year is a huge celebration where everyone returns to their families for a few days and most stores are closed.  Taipei has been quiet.  The streets are no longer bustling with people and buses and cabs and bicycles and motorcycles.  No, it's just rain and cold.

It's been a nice refreshing break for us.  We have been soaring through life at the speed of sound since stepping off the plane last November.  So, a few days of isolation without anything to do has been needed. Chloe and Ava however have started literally climbing the walls.

This morning, I stepped out of the shower to see Chloe straining to pull herself up along the door frame to the bathroom.  She was fortunately unsuccesfull at making it more than just a few inches but it was a clue that it is time to get out of the house- rain and cold and all.

Tomorrow we are going to try to find a mall with a big play gym area for kids.   Let's hope we are successfull.  Until then, Xinnian Kwai Le (Happy New Year)


Anonymous said...

I hope you were successful in finding a park, and Chloe got some of her energy used up! I recall when our 3 were youngsters and it was rainy, cold, day after day -- how I wished for a den, or kids playroom, or something! It is Sunday, and this morning started out at 38, raining, raining, with declining temperatures all day. Finally we had a brief break and Lawrence took Pete out for a run. I watched for them and scooped Pete up in a towel as soon as he came through the door... Oh well, all of the rain will make pretty trees, flowers & grass in a few weeks.

Glad you all had a short (and much needed) break.

Gma Pat

Bradman said...

RIOT! I'm gonna try that next trip to Starbux .... heh! /b