
Sunday, January 17, 2010

No Beef For You

Oh, I have so much to talk about and so little time to post. I guess here's a funny little story.

I just found out that the Taiwanese will no longer eat American Beef because all of a sudden they are afraid of "Mad Cow Disease"

So at least for awhile we are unable to get ground beef. :( I guess it's back to Pork Spaghetti.

Jeff and I have started language and it is going well and the girls love their new babysitter. We are making Taiwanese friends and Jeff has started leading an English group that is opening many doors to explaining the gospel.

Please continue to remember us and especially remember one of our friends who is very ill at the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, wow.... just now getting the news about mad cow disease, which hasn't been existent in the U.S. ! Oh, well, could be worse, although chicken spaghetti is pretty good, too.

I'm so happy to hear you have a good babysitter; how well I know that is the most important thing a Mom can have. And Chloe will let you know if something isn't right with the set-up, for sure. She is such a smart little darling.

Great news about Jeff starting a group that has some promise of your mission. I know he is ready for that.

Thanks for the post.
Gma Pat