
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Picture Day

Aaaaghhh... a beautiful, big Asian city
(this is the view from our balcony)

It seems that the Taiwanese LOVE Subway. They're everywhere and packed at lunchtime.

And bicycles are the preferred mode of transportation around the university area where we are.

Also, located directly behind our temporary apartment is a baptist church.

We explored the university today. It's a really pretty campus - with trees!

We went to dinner with some friends and we parked in a parking garage. Nothing too unusual about that except it seems that parking is such a premium this garage built an elevator for cars. You drive in to the elevator it takes you to the correct level and there is just enough space on that level for about 10 or 12 cars stacked two deep and two high if needed.

This is the dumpling restaurant where we ate. It was great. There was a goldfish pond in the front of it where the kids played and Chloe drowned Aidan's (friend's son) lion. Sorry, Aidan.


Anonymous said...

You can definitely expect a visit from the "Subway Queen" herself (Allyssa) in the near future!
Mom Weathers

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another update. It doesn't have much resemblance to where we live today (in the woods off Goose Neck Bend road). It does look clean and well kept. I have probably thought of the Asian's as a little bit dirty and unkept (probably from Korean days). Are Bicycles on order yet? Good gas mileage.
Thanks again and keep us posted. It is difference than I had thought it might be, for the better.
Grandpa Mills

nonap84 said...

Hey, love the pics. Can't wait to come visit!