
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nong Yim's 1st Birthday

Chloe is a little hard for most asian people to say so a couple of friends of ours gave Chloe a nickname. This is not unusual in our country because most people's names are so long that everyone is given a shorter nickname that they use on a regular basis. In fact, most people do not even use their real names except for legal documents and driver's licenses. Everyone just knows each other by their nickname.

Our friends gave Chloe the name "nong yim." It means "little sister smile." This is because she smiles so much and her little dimple on one cheek is so noticeable. I like it.

Well, last week was nong yim's first birthday. We celebrated a little early with some friends who were in town that we knew from training. We received packages from both our families just in time to bake brownies and for Chloe to have presents to open from family.

The brownies were awesome!! Thanks so much.

Chloe liked opening the presents.

Then, on Saturday we went to some other friends house who have a baby the same age as Chloe. In fact, they have the same birthday. There was another little boy who also celebrated with us. He has the same birthday as well!! All three really enjoyed playing in the swimming pool of balls. Chloe's friend Keeley is in the background.

Chloe was feeling a little cocky after getting so much attention on her birthday.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday miss nong yim:
Hey what a cutie you have in that gal. She is cuter each time I see her. We miss all of you. Just glad you are having time to live a fairly normal life. Your country have funny names, no! Don't give up we are in the process of getting a few things together. That darn postman charges so much to swim that far. He no walk on the water!!
Good night
okie grandpa LE

Randy Haas (Blade) said...

Wow how things have changed over the years! Scott sent me a link to this and I have enjoyed reading it! I am proud of you (for what it's worth)

Your kiddo is cute! Take care over there!

Anonymous said...

I love the nickname nong yim, it is so fitting for a little girls that smiles so much. I am so happy that you all have some friends. I know that makes what you are doing so much easier. That's really funny(not ha ha) that all three of the babies had the same birthday. Whoda thunk it!!

Love you,
