
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School

Today marks the second day of school.  That means two days in a row I have been so rushed to get kids out the door that I failed to get pictures.  Is it still as meaningful if you take pictures of the third day of school?

In my defense, I have three kids this week.  Our neighbors and good friends are away on a marriage retreat (for routine maintenance not damage-repair). We agreed to watch their sweet little boy, Lucas.  Chloe and Ava have thoroughly enjoyed him being here and they have all played their hearts out.

It's been a great week and with the exception of just a few tears on the first day, school is going great for everyone. 

Maybe if I can get my head straight, we'll see a picture of the kids on their third day of school.  Maybe I will start a new tradition or even a movement.  No longer will parents take pictures on the first day of school. I officially declare the THIRD day of school as the official take a picture day. 


Erin said...

I don't even have kids yet, but I support that. THIRD DAY PICS! whoohoo!

Aunt Di said...

Don't sweat the small stuff, I took pix of my kids, well most years anyway! where are they now (the pix, not the kids :)??

I just booked my flight for the wedding. I'll be in on 9/15 about 6:30pm, and leave on Sunday, 9/18 at noon. Hope that will give us some time to visit.
Aunt Diana