
Monday, November 19, 2007

You might be an international traveler...

If you can change a baby’s diaper on your lap while taking off in an airplane- you might be an international traveler.

If you can simultaneously eat French fries while avoiding the phlegm the guy walking in front of you just hacked up and spit out right beside you- you might be an international traveler.

If you can fit everything you need plus two weeks worth of diapers in one carry-on backpack- you might be an international traveler.

If you know how to use a squatty potty and you automatically bring your own toilet paper wherever you go- you might be an international traveler.

If you bring your own sterile needles because you know most places in the world believe in reduce, reuse and recycle- even medical supplies- you might be an international traveler.

If you can say “hello” in at least three languages and “how much?” in five others- you might be an international traveler.

If you can avoid panic when complete strangers remove the cigarette from their mouths and the child from your arms to parade him/her through the entire airport/bus terminal, train station or restaurant- you might be an international traveler.

If you think split pants aren’t such a bad idea- you might be an international traveler

If nothin’ says lovin’ like a bowl from the rice cooker- you might be an international traveler.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Will read this to your mother tonight.

I don't quite get the split pants thing though. Explain?

Anonymous said...

Loved your stories, but explanation about "split pants"?????

Gma Pat