
Friday, May 11, 2012

My New Gig

This is my second week at the new job and I love it!

I just wanted to quickly share info about my new job.

I am the new manager of a program called "Shoes for Orphan Souls" at Buckner Children and Family Services

Shoes for Orphan Souls is an amazing program that provides thousands of pairs of shoes each year to kids in need around the world.  It is a nationwide program that any individual, church, organization or community can be a part of.  Check out their website at and remember to "like" us on facebook shoesfororphansouls.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Signing Off

I started this blog almost five years ago to chronicle our overseas life. It was mostly updated pics of our kids and our travels and mainly for the benefit of the grandparents. 
We see the grandparents more often now and I understand that my trips to buy the groceries are only interesting to well, uh, no one (including me).

I dabbled a bit with expanding the blog into recipes or organization tips or crafts but time was usually elusive and blogging isn't my favorite activity.

In just a little over a week, I begin my first truly full-time calling since Chloe was born. I laugh at the irony of the word "full-time" as if learning Chinese, writing for the media department, participating whole-heartedly in ministry and taking care of two toddlers were only "part-time" work.  I say full-time in the sense that the girls will be going to (gulp) daycare.  There I said it and all the ugly connotations that come with it.  I am going to be a full-time working mom by choice.

I like to work and I found a job that was seemingly designed specifically for me.  It wraps all the things I love most- International focus, helping others in need and public relations- into one nice package.

In anticipation of embarking on this new challenge of being 100% good mom and 100% good employee, I am purging my life of a few things that are unnecessary and implementing a few things that are necessary.

1. I signed up for a service called emealz that has cut my food shopping, prep time and budget more than half.  I highly recommend it for any busy mom "full time" or not. (
2. This summer, we will be moving to a house that we hope will be our final destination until the girls are in college.  We are purposely looking for a house that is smaller than 2,000 sq. feet. so that a.) I don't have to clean more than two toilets; b.) we can hire someone to clean the toilets for me without dipping into our retirement funds and c.) so that we cannot accumulate a bunch of distracting junk that requires lots of time to maintain and fix when it breaks.

The third time-saver is that I am letting a few activities fall off the grid for awhile.  This blog is one of those activities. It has been fun while it lasted.  I plan on starting a new blog dedicated to my new job in a few weeks.  It promises to be work far more interesting than any trip to the grocery store.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Just thought I would take a moment to share this video of my Dad. He is demonstrating the art of the modern-day blacksmith. He creates all kinds of fences, gates and decorative ironwork- just in case you were in the market for metal or just curious what blacksmiths do in modern society.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Ava

Happy birthday to my sweet, mischevious, stubborn, precious and beautiful three-year old girl. What a joy to my soul you are everyday.
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